Since our launch, Thunder Roads Ohio has worked hard to actively support veterans, those actively serving, and their families within the community. This isn’t just something we say as a sales pitch, but one of our core missions which we back up by actively supporting dozens of rides, events, and service oriented charitable organizations within our magazines, online, and on-site whenever possible. It’s a passion driven by experiences and loses within our own family and the recognition that our freedom and existence as a nation is due to the commitment and sacrifices of those that have and are actively serving – and their families.

In line with this commitment, TRO and Iron Cowboy Productions is working to develop REGIONAL VETERAN SERVICE GUIDES that will allow us to provide real, valuable information to veterans about events, services, and opportunities that exist within their own community. These guides will include a calendar of rides and motorcycle related service-oriented events – but also a directory of service organizations within the community that can provide assistance to veterans in need. The events included will not just be motorcycle related, and it’s our goal to provide a resource useful to all veterans in need – not just those that ride. 

It is also our intention to include information on resources that are available to veterans and their families covering a wide range of needs and issues – such as counseling, housing, medical services, utilities, and even burial benefits. There are a lot folks and organizations out there that are willing to help, but unfortunately it can often be a challenge connecting those offering and those needing. There is also a misconception amongst many that these are simply charities and a gift that shouldn’t be accepted. Nothing could be further from the truth in our eyes. Many veterans and their families sacrificed much and are possibly continuing to suffer as a result of their service. The services and assistance we are hoping to help connect with those in need – are simply an effort to do what we can to address the debt that is owed by us all. It is our hope that these Guides and the information contained can be delivered in a manner that allows us to reach some that might not otherwise consider the options they have.

This project is being undertaken as a charitable service to the community, with us hoping to underwrite the hard costs through the support of sponsors and organizations within the local community. We have already begun working with some veterans organizations, but we would welcome the assistance of anyone willing to help. We need help compiling information, contacting organizations, and putting it all together. We are also looking for local businesses and organizations that are willing to help sponsor this project. This is a non-profit project – and all proceeds will be returned to the local community in order assist those in need. It’s envisioned that this will primarily be done through the same organizations and services profiled in the directory. 

If you would like to get involved or possibly help sponsor the project, please email us at

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