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JOIN THE CREW: Opportunities for local riders to help support their riding community.

As we head into the 2020 riding season, it’s clear that there will be a much greater demand for local coverage across the state as more riders will be staying closer to home for smaller rides and events. This means that TRO will need even more help covering these events – both getting the word out in advance and taking pictures and covering the events as they happen. As always, Local Road Reps will have the opportunity to make some extra cash covering their area – if they’d like. But for many, the real appeal is being able to help these local events succeed and share their story with the rest of the state! The cool part, though, is that you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. You can both help the local riding community and make some $$$ doing what you love! How cool is that?!

No magazine experience is needed, however you’ll need access to a computer that you feel comfortable using and possibly a camera. Although, some simply use their phone! The key, though, being able to handle yourself professionally while still having fun hanging with bikers! It’s a tough job, but somebody get to do it! For more information, email Events@ReasonsToRide.com

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