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Where are you?

Have you ever just stopped in the middle of a road and wondered, “Where am I?” A kind of sick feeling rushes over you for just a moment and then…Boom! It all clears up, you get your bearings and off you go again. Yet, for that moment you had to wonder what that was all about and it left you with a sense of panic that lets you know you do not want to feel that again!

Some people are born knowing exactly what their purpose is and they seem to run after it most all their lives. Others have a harder road to travel and the purpose doesn’t always seem to shine out like that. However, each one of us has purpose.  If you have kids, you can see it in them. One is mechanical, able to look at something and figure out how it works. They cannot seem to get away from the temptation of checking out how a toy works. I see that in my great grandson, he doesn’t just play with toys, he examines them. How do the wheels turn? How does it make that sound? It’s funny to watch, however, I can see his gifting is towards the mechanical aspect of things, so his future is destined to be in some sort of engineering or building. How do I know that? Just by observation. Now the trick is to motivate him to use that gift. Encourage and empower him to succeed. After all…isn’t that what we all want to do? Succeed?

So where are you today? What makes you the most satisfied? Take a good look at yourself and ask, “Am I using the gifts I have to my fullest? Am I where I should be? Do I even know what I am supposed to be doing??

Honestly, most of us don’t and that’s okay. There’s really only one way of finding out and that is to go to the source….the One who created you. He knows what you are really good at and so do most of the people around you. It’s just that instead of seeking what makes us fulfilled, we settle for what is in front of us at the moment.

Look, I have known since I was a kid that a microphone would be my friend, a stage would be my platform and a typewriter, pen and ink would be my tools, He added the love of motorcycles for good measure! I sing, preach, write and ride. I’m not always perfect at what I do and am not always sure of where I am going, but I usually always know where I am at, (there’s room for error!). God has opened doors that cannot be imagined with the human brain, closed some that needed closed. Yet in all of that, He always leads me to the place I need to be.

So take a look at what tools you have been given, get ready to be polished up, prepare yourself for the journey because God has a plan and has already given you a purpose, you just need to step in and let Him take you there!

It’s October…don’t let this article spook you! It’s just an observation and a loving nudge to help you succeed!

45 and still going! Happy Anniversary CMA!!!

Meet you where you are….

Mary G.

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